HDS and Yardi were announced by HUD TRACS as the first vendors to submit 202D files.
HUD announced just days after the release of HUD TRACS 202D on August 1, 2014, that Housing and Development Software (HDS) was the only Contract Administration Software vendor to submit files in the new format. Accompanying HDS on this achievement was Yardi (Property...
eLearning Series
Contract Administration eLearning Series scheduled this week. This session will cover the best practices for Voucher processing in HDS and also review the most recent 202D changes – Login to your MyHDS account for registration and details.
A new release for the Funds Management System is available.
A new Funds Management System update is available for download via Auto-Updates. Version 12.0.171 is an update to the HDS 12.0.17 release. This version modifies Project and Activity Tracking, DST navigation logic to take into consideration the modifications made in...
HDS Funds Management 12.0.17 Patch release
The previously announced Funds Management System update is available for download via Auto-Updates or MyHDS. This version will be an update to the HDS 12.0.11 release. Important to note, the updates are for users currently in/or a post 12.0.11 Version:the method of...
HDS eLearning Reminder – Web Partner Training
Just a reminder for tomorrow's Single Family eLearning webinar session. In this session we will walk the external users through the most heavily used areas of the system. We will focus on the enhancements done to the system so they can learn to use the system in the...
HDS LIHTC Reporting Working Group call today
The first call will be today, Tuesday, August 5 th at 11am Eastern Time . Call discussion points: - Current findings and HDS course for action for 2012 data reporting - Modifications to HDS reporting tool for 2013 reporting The online meeting has already been...