Come see us at NALHFA
We'll be at the NALHFA 2014 Bond and Tax Credit Workshop today, October 22, 2014. Hosted by the New York City Housing Development Corporation. Learn from the experts about the financial structuring of multifamily affordable housing developments using tax-exempt bond...
Loan to Activity Part 2 eLearning Reminder!
Loan Funding eLearning Series scheduled this week. This will be a continuation of loan funding and we will be showing the integration between Single Family and Funds Management. Login to your MyHDS account for registration and details.
HDS is proud to sponsor the NCSHA 2014 Annual Conference Showplace Mobile App and WIFI.
HDS is proud to sponsor the NCSHA 2014 Annual Conference Showplace Mobile App and WIFI. The eAgenda will provide you with simple and convenient access to the NCHSA conference agenda from your mobile device, displaying the schedule by day, by room, and by subject or...
Loan to Activity eLearning Reminder!
Loan Funding eLearning Series scheduled this week. We will be walking users through the process of linking allocations to a project or activity. Login to your MyHDS account for registration and details.
HDS Celebrates!
Elena Miranda celebrate 15 years with HDS! Thank you for making us a stronger team.
Section 8 – TRACS DST eLearning Reminder!
Contract Administration eLearning Series scheduled this week. We will demonstrate all steps in utilizing the TRACS Reconciliation DST module. Login to your MyHDS account for registration and details.