Multifamily eLearning reminder for 12/4
Just a reminder for the Multifamily eLearning session on 12/4/2014. In this session, we will give users an understanding of how templates are created for various Statements found within the system. Also, we will demonstrate how the created templates can be viewed in...
Happy Thanksgiving
HDS wishes you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. In observance of the Holiday HDS will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28 for Thanksgiving.
HDS Celebrates!
Eric Fernandez celebrates 1 year with HDS! Thank you for making us a stronger team!
Thanks to all who have served
HDS would like to thank all of those who have served, past, present, and future.
Section 8 eLearning Reminder
Just a reminder on this week’s Section 8 eLearning session on Income Limits and FMR. We will be reviewing the process and how to utilize the tools. Login to your MyHDS account for registration and details.
202D Voucher Tool Update
The HDS Section 8 Voucher 202D Tool - update is now available @ MyHDS > Downloads > MFS8 > 11062014-HDS-Voucher-ToolUpdate > 11062014 - The modification will display the December Voucher period and allow the TRACS file format...