
Breaking: Scott Turner Named New HUD Secretary

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has welcomed its new Secretary, Scott Turner, following his confirmation by the Senate. With a strong background in housing development, community revitalization, and public service, Secretary Turner brings a...

HDS to attend NCSHA Annual Conference

HDS is excited to announce we will be exhibiting at the upcoming Annual Conference and Showplace for NCSHA on September 26th through September 29th! We look forward to seeing you all there, so please stop by booth #38! Members of our staff will be at the conference...

Inclement Weather

Tropical Storm Erika is forecasted to reach the State of Florida by Monday August 31, 2015. Depending on the weather conditions, our office may be operating with limited staff and/or closed due to the heavy rains anticipated with this storm for the safety of our...