Happy Thanksgiving!
In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday our offices will be closed November 23rd and 24th and will reopen on Monday, November 27th. Enjoy your Holiday weekend.
Orrin Hatch Unveils Pro-Growth, Pro-Jobs, Pro-Family Tax Overhaul Plan
Original Press Release here - Under Finance Committee Proposal a Typical Family of Four Will See Its Taxes Go Down By Nearly $1,500 WASHINGTON – Today, Senate...
HDS and eHousingPlus are proud Gold sponsors of NCSHA’s Annual Conference!
We’re thrilled to announce our participation at the NCSHA’s Annual Conference. October 16-17, 2017 Denver, CO Please stop by our booth to meet with our business team who will be available for 1:1s sessions. Schedule your time today with Abdul, Elena, Raul, Don,...
Final Update on Irma
Housing and Development Software (HDS) opened operations from our main offices this morning at 8:30AM as expected. Again, thank you for your kind messages of support. Our staff greatly appreciates them and have been of great comfort as we all personally recover from...
Monday Safety Update
Housing and Development Software (HDS) would like to thank all of our agency clients and partners for your calls, emails, well wishes and prayers during hurricane Irma. Our first concern is always the safety of our employees and their families, but securing our...
Sunday Evening Update for Hurricane Irma
HDS would like to thank all of our clients for your calls, emails, well wishes and prayers for our safety during hurricane Irma. Although we did not experience the storm directly, much of our area and South Florida is without power. Our first concern is the safety of...