We Came, We Networked, We Conquered the NCSHA 2019 AC & Showplace
What can we say, another successful NCSHA Annual Conference in the books! Housing and Development Services, Inc. had a productive weekend of sharing and networking with our HFAs and working partners. It was great connecting with friends, providing them with...
NCSHA 2019 Annual Conference and Showplace
The HDS Team is headed to Boston to attend the NCSHA 2019 Annual Conference and Showplace October 19-22. Our commitment to the affordable housing market is evident through our numerous memberships, sponsorships, and attendance to industry and agency meetings and...
2019 TALHFA Conference – The Power of Partnerships
The 27th Annual TALHFA Educational Conference is approaching and eHousingPlus is more than excited to attend! This year’s agenda will be centered around the theme, The Power of Partnerships. At eHP, we know the importance of building solid partnerships. We are eager...
HDS Section 8 NextGen PBT Version 1.0.3 Release
The NEW HDS NextGen Section 8 PBT Release is HERE! Your success is our number one priority and this latest release is the foundation of your compliance performance success. This NextGen Section 8 PBT Release Version 1.0.3 features the synergy of the latest technology...
DCBR Latest Update
We are pleased to report that HDS Companies is standing down from its Disaster Recovery/Continuity plan from the threat of Hurricane Dorian. Thankfully our offices did not experience the effects of this major storm and we were able to bring our offices back online...
DRBC Implementation Successfully Executed
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