
Breaking: Scott Turner Named New HUD Secretary

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has welcomed its new Secretary, Scott Turner, following his confirmation by the Senate. With a strong background in housing development, community revitalization, and public service, Secretary Turner brings a...

David W. Herlinger Golf Tournament

For many years, Housing and Development Software, and its parent company, HDS Companies, have partnered with Colorado Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) to sponsor the annual David W. Herlinger Golf Tournament. This year, the event will take place on Wednesday, August...

HDS Approach to the HUD HAPSS Procurement

Our primary goal is to provide a complete, accurate, efficient, and easy to use tool with as much automation as possible. With that in mind, we will consult closely with all our clients to discuss your needs. Below are some points to help you understand the direction...