HDS Section 811 is a provided upgrade to the HDS Section 8 Contract Administration System. This tool kit further enhances the Contract Administration functionality to allow for PRA 811 Contract Administration, featuring the ability to track both the Cooperative Agreements between HUD and the State agency and Rental Assistance Contract (RAC) between the State and the owner and allows for the capture of the administrative fee.
In addition the CA will be able to receive, review, approve, and submit tenant certifications and vouchers following the ‘Automation Rule.’ Tenant certifications are received electronically from property software reviewed, approved, and submitted to HUD via TRACS or the CA may create certifications should they be required and present the summary electronic voucher to HUD.
Some of the additional features also included with the tool are;
- Capture the new 811 PRA Parent Level Contract
- Track the Rental Assistance Contract (RAC)
- Associate RAC to a Property and to the Unit from the Property
- Receive tenant files electronically from property software in 202D HUD TRACS format
- Add a manual tenant certification
- Approve and submit tenant files electronically to HUD TRACS
- Pay RAC Contracts via HDS ACH